Get started!

Thanks for using the Minecraft Sync Bots! To synchronize your Discord server chat with the Minecraft server chat, follow these steps.
For full functionality, complete all the steps!

1. To download the plugin, click at the top right on
"Content => Plugin Download".

2. Upload the plugin-file in the plugins folder and restart the minecraft server

3. Now, go into the 'minecraft-sync' folder and open the 'config.yml' file. Open the Discord chat that will be synchronized with the Minecraft server chat. Type /chat-sync in the discord chat, and hit enter. Click on "port". Paste the port from the config file in the discord chat. Hit the "Arrow key right", to open the "api-token" text field. Here, you have to paste the api-token from the config file. Now, run the command! "If everything worked correctly, a message should appear in the Minecraft chat.

If a player joins or leaves the server, the Discord bot should recognize it and post a message in the Discord chat.

If you need help for the installation, here is a video

Some issues that can be happen with solutions.
Or you join this Discord Server

"Server not available"

Try to use another port(port must be have 4 numbers).

If this isn't working, contact the support from the webpanal-managers and ask if the port is available(port in the config file). If not, the port must be activated

If you host the server by your own, check if any firewall is active