Privacy Police
of the Discord Bot "Minecraft Sync"

Last updated on December 9, 2023

Thank you for using the Discord Bot("Bot") "Minecraft Sync"! This privacy policy("Privacy Police", "Privacy") explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect information("information", "data") when you use our bot. Your privacy is important to us, so please read this privacy policy carefully.

1. Information We Collect:
a. Server Information: "Minecraft Sync" can gather information about:
- the status of your Minecraft server
- online Player Count
- version
- Message of the Day (MOTD)
- Server Ping
- playerlist
- max playercount

b. Minecraft Plugin and Chat Synchronization: When using our Minecraft plugin for synchronization between the Minecraft and Discord chats, chat messages will transmitted and synchronized.

2. Use of Information:
a. Minecraft Server Status: The collected information about the Minecraft server status is used to provide you and other users with current information about the server. The collected information is processed on an external server and forwarded to the respective user upon usage (e.g., Discord chat).
b. Minecraft Plugin and Chat Synchronization: Information from the Minecraft chat is used to enable seamless integration between the Minecraft and Discord-Text-Channel.

3. API Security:
a. API Key: Access to the synchronization API is protected by a 41-character API key. This key is treated confidentially and used only for its intended purpose.

4. Privacy and Security:
a. Storage: We store only the information necessary for the operation of the bot. No personal user data from Discord is stored.
b. Security Measures: We implement reasonable security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

5. Website and Discord Server:
a. Availability: This privacy policy is available on our website. We reserve the right to update the privacy policy as needed.
b. Questions: For questions or concerns about the privacy policy, you can contact us:

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy:
a. Update: This privacy policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices.

By using the Discord Bot "Minecraft Sync," you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. Thank you for trusting our service